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2020年06月22日  点击:[]












研究领域涵盖健康社会学,人口社会学,社会老年学等,具体研究兴趣包括:老年自杀防治及研究;社会不平等与全球健康;人口贫困干预研究;青少年网络风险及精神健康; 少子老龄化风险研究等。




9/2007-6/2011 法学学士 社会学,周恩来政府管理学院,南开大学




7/2018-8/2018访问学者社会工作系,美国斯密斯学院(smith college)

8/2019-至今 荣誉研究员(honorary research fellow) 社会流行病学与公共卫生,香港赛马会预防自杀研究中心,香港大学

6/2020-至今 副教授、厦门大学南强青年拔尖引进人才b类入选者、特任研究员,社会与人类学院,厦门大学




3.核心参与者:香港大学优配研究金(general research fund)项目:《香港人口貧窮和社福津貼對精神健康的影響研究》,2019-2020.


lcai, z., canetto, s. s.,chang, q., & yip, p. s. (2021). women’s suicide in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: do laws discriminating against women matter?social science & medicine, 114035. (共同通讯,ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchang, q., peng, c., guo, y., cai, z., & yip, p. s. (2020). mechanisms connecting objective and subjective poverty to mental health: serial mediation roles of negative life events and social support.social science & medicine. 265, 113308. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113308. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lcai, z.,chang, q., & yip, p. s. (2020). a scientometric analysis of suicide research: 1990-2018.journal of affective disorders. 266, 356-365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.121 (共同一作,ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchang, q., wu, d., rong, h., wu, z., tao, w., liu, h., et al. (2019). suicide ideation, suicide attempts, their sociodemographic and clinical associates among the elderly chinese patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders.journal of affective disorders, 256, 611-617, doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.06.069. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchang, q., xing, j., ho, r. t. h., & yip, p. s. (2019). cyberbullying and suicide ideation among hong kong adolescents: the mitigating effects of life satisfaction with family, classmates and academic results.psychiatry research, 274, 269-273. (ssci/sci, jcr q2)

lchang, q., conwell, y., wu, d., guo, y. & yip, p. s. (2019). a study on household headship, living arrangement, and receipt of pension among the older adults in association with suicidal risks.journal of affective disorders, 256, 618-626, doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.06.033. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchang, q., yip, p. s., & chen, y.y. (2018). gender inequality and suicide gender ratios in the world.journal of affective disorders, 243, 297-304. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchang, q., sha, f., chan, c. h., & yip, p. s. (2018). validation of an abbreviated version of the lubben social network scale (“lsns-6”) and its associations with suicidality among the elderly mainland chinese.plos one, 13(8), e0201612. (sci, jcr q2)

lchang, q., chan, c. h., & yip, p. s. (2017). a meta-analytic review on social relationships and suicidal ideation among older adults.social science & medicine, 191, 65-76. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.003. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lchen, m., fu, y., &chang, q. (2021). life satisfaction among older adults in urban china: does gender interact with pensions, social support and self-care ability?ageing & society, 1-20. (ssci, jcr q2)

lchen, y.-y., cai, z.,chang, q., canetto, s. s., & yip, p. s. (2021). caregiving as suicide-prevention: an ecological 20-country study of the association between men’s family carework, unemployment, and suicide.social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-14. (ssci, jcr q1)

lguo, y., chan, k. s. t., chan, c. h.,chang, q., lee, r. s., & yip, p. s. f. (2021). combined effects of individual and neighbourhood socioeconomic status on older adults’ mortality: a retrospective follow-up study in hong kong.bmj open, 11(4), e043192. (ssci, jcr q1)

lguo, y., chau, p.,chang, q., woo, j., wong, m., & yip, p. s. (2020). geography of suicide in older adults in hong kong: an ecological study.international journal of geriatric psychiatry. 2019,1–14, https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.5225 (sci, jcr q2)

lguo, y., chang, s.s., chan, c. h.,chang, q., hsu, c.y., & yip, p. s. (2020). the association of neighborhood social and physical attributes with depression in older adults in hong kong: a multilevel analysis. doi.org/10.1136/jech-2019-212977.journal of epidemiology & community health.(ssci, jcr q1)

lzheng. y.,chang, q., & yip, p. s. (2019). understanding the increase in life expectancy in hong kong: changes in age- and cause-specific mortality.international journal of environmental research and public health, 16 (11):1959. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16111959. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lguo., y., chan, c. h.,chang, q., liu., t., & yip, p. s. (2019). neighborhood environment and cognitive function in older adults: a multilevel analysis in hong kong.health and place, 58: 102164. doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102146. (ssci/sci, jcr q1)

lsha, f.,chang, q., law, y. f., hong, q., & yip, p. s. (2018). suicide rates in china, 2004 – 2014: comparing data from two sample-based mortality surveillance systems.bmc public health, 18:239. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5161-y. (sci, jcr q2)


l穆光宗,常青松.欧洲家庭发展和家庭政策的变迁及启示[j].中国浦东干部学院学报. 2016, 06, 114-121. cnki:sun:zpdg.0.2016-06-013.(被《新华文摘》、《社会学文摘》等全文转载2017-02)

l常青松.中国异地养老的多维解构及变动趋势[n].中国人口报(理论版). 2016年5月30日.

l穆光宗,胡哲豪,茆长宝,常青松,吴金晶.适度老龄化:应对老龄危机的第一战略[j].广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 2014, 36(01), 25-33.

l穆光宗,吴金晶,常青松.我国养老风险研究[j].华中科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2014, 28(06), 103-109. 10.3969/j.issn.1671-7023.2014.06.016.

l穆光宗,茆长宝,吴金晶,常青松,刘桂华.乡土中国的人口弱化和优化研究[j].中国农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2013, 30(03), 61-71.

l王朋岗,常青松,李为超.基于屯垦戍边使命的新疆兵团人口发展战略研究[j].西北人口. 2012, 33(04), 71-77. 10.3969/j.issn.1007-0672.2012.04.015.

l林川,常青松. 1997-2012年中国大陆“离婚原因”研究述评[j].人口与发展. 2012, 06, 77-85. 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1668.2012.06.010.


lchang, q., yip, p. s. strengthen social relationships to help combat high elderly suicide rate. south china morning post (insight & opinion). published: feb,9 2018.https://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2132501/strengthen-social-relationships-help-combat-high-elderly

l常青松.延迟退休:基于我国人口态势的三个判断.人民网. 2015-12-8.

l常青松.以“绿色流迁”的理念引领我国人口城市化的优化发展.人民网. 2016-9-9.

l常青松.老年人精神健康退化的因素与预防之道.新华网. 2016-10-9.

l常青松.人口少子老龄化态势下政府的迫切之为.中国网. 2017-3-10.

l常青松.家庭医生,百姓健康的“守门人”.中国网. 2017-5-16.

l常青松.应进一步释放“意愿性少生”的生育意愿.中国网. 2017-8-24.

l常青松.社会关系影响老年自杀的多维解构.中国网. 2017-10-12.

l常青松.香港困局的多维解构及纾困方向.中国网. 2019-12-10.

l常青松.疫情危机下应当关注个体身心健康的自我管理.中国网. 2020-2-2.

l常青松.关注人口从“政策性少生”到“意愿性少生”.财新网. 2021-05-11

l常青松.少子老龄化下,“生个孩子奖励百万”是否有用?.光明网. 2021-05-17


l2020香港大学杰出研究生奖(award for outstanding research postgraduate student)、2019 tang kwong leung social work thesis prize、亚洲人口学会会议奖学金(2018)、香港大学研究生会议交流奖学金(2017&2019)、 香港大学博士研究生奖学金(2015-2019)、北京大学学业奖学金(2011-2014)、南开大学三好学生(2010)、天津市市级三好学生(2007)等






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